Pond street frontage improvements



Development Services
Construction Management


Ideal Property Options


Boise, ID


project description

WCG provided frontage improvement designs for a minor land division (MLD) of an existing parcel into three lots. Frontage improvements along two roadway frontages were required by the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) including roadway widening, curb and gutter, sidewalks, pedestrian ramp, and stormwater drainage design.

WCG designed sewer and water connections from existing mains to the new lots. Where the new sewer services crossed the existing water line, ductile iron water pipe was installed to replace asbestos cement pipe in the vicinity of the crossing. WCG designed two bioretention planters to store, treat, and infiltrate stormwater runoff from the site and adjacent roadway. Following design approval, WCG was contracted to proving bidding and construction services.

WCG prepared bid documents and solicited Veolia-approved contractors for the waterline construction. WCG performed construction inspections during installation. Our staff worked closely with the contractor to address any RFI’s or required changes quickly to maintain the construction schedule.


key services list:

  • Frontage Improvements

  • Water and Sewer Service Design

  • Stormwater design

  • Minor Land Division Civil Engineering

  • Grading and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan

  • Construction Documentation

  • Bidding & Construction Inspection